Green banana treat melasma effectively

Benefits of green banana

The banana is very popular fruit with a cheap price but it is so tasty, nutritious and very good for health. Besides, green banana is rich in protein, starch and vitamins and minerals. Especially banana contains high levels of potassium.

Potassium, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and vitamin C in banana have perfect effects for your skin. It can whiten, soften skin and also helps reduce melasma, freckles on your skin. How to treat melasma with bananas effectively?

1/ Green banana and mint leaves:


– 10g mint leaves

– 2 green bananas


  -  Put green bananas and mint leaves into a blender and grind them into a fine powder.

  -  Apply this mixture on the skin for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.

  -  Apply this way 2-3 times per week. It will help to blur melasma, whiten skin and make your skin smoother and younger.

2/ Green banana and yogurt:


– 1 green banana

– 1 jar of unsweetened yogurt


  -  Mix pureed a green banana and 1 jar of unsweetened yogurt. Stir it well, and then apply it on your face. Leave it for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

  -  You should apply this way about twice per week. Thanks to the ingredients of yogurt, it can help your skin blur melasma, freckles and acne rapidly as well as soften, lighten your skin.

3/ Green banana and orange juice:


- 1 green banana

– 3 teaspoon of orange juice


  -  Put banana in into a blender, and blend it into a powder. Mix it with orange juice. Stir the mixture well and then apply it on the skin pigmentation.

  -  Leave it on your skin for about 20 minutes, and then rinse it off with water. This mask will remove dead skin cells, blur melasma as well as whiten skin quickly.


-  Drink enough water every day to moisturize your skin and get rid of toxins, help skin healthy from inside.

- Whenever going out, you need to protect the skin from UV rays by applying sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside, wearing glasses, masks...

- Consume vegetables, fresh fruits and nuts, because they are extremely good for the skin.

- Avoid stress, reduce daily anxiety.

Let’s consult health care provider to try a suitable lotion with each skin type.

Last but not least, applying a healthy diet or dietary supplement makes your skin beauty inside. 

Wish you treat melasma successfully!
